Price List
This is the current Blue Ridge Amateur Radio price list. Note that prices are subject to changes in materials costs and that shipping is a separate charge.
ST-1500 Symmetric PI-Network Antenna Tuner: $800.00
ATU4K Remote mount, stepper motor controlled balanced L-Network: (CALL FOR PRICE)
Roller Inductor: $150.00
Roller Inductor pair with gear drives, belt and mounting hardware: $300.00
Air Variable Capacitor (standard size 23-300pf): $125.00
Vernier Reduction Drive Unit: $35.00
Turns Counter for roller inductor: $50.00
Progressive shorting wafer switch: $50.00
Misc knobs, shaft isolators, dial skirts: $10.00 each
All of our products were designed in house and are made in our machine shop. We use the highest quality materials for both strength and electrical
conductivity (where applicable).